Even before the season started - the same season that didn't actually start because of the epidemiological/rabies/infection situation over Europe and the rest of the continents, Frenk announced that his biggest goal for this season (which he couldn't have known would almost not happen) was MR in Klin.
Not long after these words, we all started worrying about completely different things, like forearm stitching and paw washing. No one was worried about what was going to happen. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?), the Czech Republic was perhaps the first in Europe to have these mass actions. A few races have been held and an incredible number are still to come.
Among them was that MR in Klin. Klíny belongs to Trund. So the tracks will be old school, when enduro was still more enduro and less enduro. They don't like that much these days. Never mind. On the contrary!
Frenk remembered he wanted to win there and he did. And you know what?! We're so proud of him! The one-eared boy is the Czech champion. Frenk - you bull -JO!

What did Frenk write about this?
"This week I was able to compare what it's like to have a week of coronavolna before a race, like in Kouty, and a week of freak in the hook now. Filmmakers are running out of time again. Hectic Friday and evening arrival to Klíny, yucca for one and sleep. Saturday's ride in the great heat was fine, but after lunch the bath was irresistible and the nap was also passed, which subsequently ensured the ride until 20:00h. However, at least it was cooler in the evening. The race on Saturday was marked by an energy saving mode as the 6hour limit seemed generous. I felt tired in no small way. The first row was the worst in terms of my performance, fun and marking, but from then on everything improved and I managed to mobilize explosiveness for the stages. The other courses were beautiful, as we know in Klíny rz 3,5,6 > absolute top, when after finishing the body is supplied with its own drugs in full measure. It was a beautiful race again! In the Masters1 category, I and the guys were fighting for seconds, I managed to win by 4 in the end, which made me very happy🙏 It was absolutely thrilling anyway... Congratulations to the Masters, as well as to everyone who enjoyed it🤘 Overall 9 for me was also great🤙 thanks to the organizers, the group that was there again top!".