Galfer brake pads for e-bikes are easily recognizable thanks to their purple colour. Braking e-bikes is logically more demanding. Primarily due to the weight, but not only that. A wide range of riders of different experience ride e-bikes. For example, holiday e-riders who can brake for several minutes at a time without relief. It's no coincidence that most "burnt" brakes in cycling are the domain of e-bikes.
The prestigious ECE R90 automotive certification is a strict mark of the quality, efficiency, safety and general robustness of the product. In the automotive world, it is a prerequisite for marketing.
Galfer' s purple e-bike pads are probably the first bike pads ever to achieve this certification, which can be considered a milestone!
There are now 12 e-bike pads in the Galfer catalogue and all of them are ECE R90 certified!
The e-bikes also include brake discs in 223mm diameter and 2mm thickness (Galfer has 223mm, 203mm and 180mm diameters in 2mm thickness) and of course adequate adapters.
Finally, it should be noted that e-bike pads are indeed for e-bikes, but that doesn't mean "only". They are also great for other disciplines where extreme braking is involved or where you just want the reassurance that you won't cook the brakes on an endless alpine descent.
Take advantage of the benefits of Galfer brake pads and discs.
Galfer makes a difference!