Juice Lubes Bearing Juice 150ml
Product code: BRJ1
EAN: 96033715
Low Temperature bearing Grease
13,99 €
Product description
Special low temperature bearing petroleum jelly.
Bearing Juice is a grease designed for use in low temperature applications such as hubs, bottom brackets and headsets. Don’t be alarmed that Bearing Juice is not purple and/or shiny – it doesn't need to be! These types of greases are lithium complex greases and are designed to work in applications where a high operating temperature is achieved such as a car wheel hub. Without these high temperatures being achieved the grease does not release its lubricating oils as effectively as it should and you don’t get optimum lubrication. Bearing Juice also has high resistance to water wash out which will help keep your bearing’s running smoother for longer through the British summer time.
To breathe new life in to a set of bearings carefully remove the outer and inner seals with a very thin screwdriver to reveal the bearings within their race. It is advisable to clean the bearings as much as possible with a degreaser such as Brake Juice or Dirt Juice Super Gnarl and then rinse with water before allowing them to dry out for as long as possible. Finally re-pack the bearings with fresh Bearing Juice before carefully replacing the inner seal followed by the outer seals.
We are sure you realise this, but the Jet Wash is the definitive arch enemy of the humble bearing so whilst we appreciate how convenient they can be to use, you should always take care to not focus the jet on any bearings as it will almost certainly reduce the lifespan of the bearings as it will force muck past the seals and into the bearing race leading to that horrible rough and gritty feeling. You wouldn't enjoy sand in your pants and neither do ball bearings……
- Brand Juice Lubes
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